Cru at UVA

We are a community passionate about connection people to Jesus Christ

Are you new?

Welcome to Grounds! We would love to meet you and help you get connected. Fill out the form below and a student or staff member will get in touch with you.

Join a Small Group

We are made for community and friendship. But college can be an isolating time - socially, spiritually, and emotionally. That’s why we have small groups. In different places across Grounds throughout the week, students get together to study the Bible, pray together, care for each other, and have fun together.

Large Group - Thursdays at 8PM

We meet every Thursday night for worship, teaching, and community. During Spring 2024, we are meeting in the Newcomb Theater. There could be weeks when the plan may change, so please make sure to sign up for our weekly email and follow us on instagram (@cruatuva) for updates.

Skeptics Welcome

“An unexamined life is not worth living.” - Socrates

We recognize that belief in God or the Bible can be hard. That’s why we are a community that values good questions, no matter what they are or who they come from. Something is only worth believing if it’s simultaneously true, good, and beautiful. That’s why we strive to be a community where anyone can ask questions and wrestle with doubt. If you’re interested in processing your questions or exploring Christianity, click below. We don’t promise to have all the answers, but we’d love to listen and get to know you in the process. In the meantime, here’s a series of thoughtful talks that we recommend.